Club Committee – vacant positions

The following positions on the Macclesfield Harriers Committee are (or soon will be) vacant as the existing incumbents are standing down. If you are interested please contact Bob Lynch (President) or use the ‘Contact Us‘ form on the website. Chairperson (currently vacant) Publicity Officer (currently vacant) Track & Field Manager…

Meet the Member – Lindsey Russell

Introducing one of Macclesfield Harrier’s newest run leaders, Lindsey Russell.  Lindsey has been running with the Harriers for 9 years. She stays well clear of the mud, preferring to take part in road races and track sessions. Lindsey can be found at the track on Tuesdays, in all weathers and…

Nutrition for Performance – Issue 2

Fuelling before training Fuelling appropriately around and during training is one of the key factors that enables you to consistently complete your planned sessions week in and week out. The energy your body needs to exercise comes mainly from metabolising a combination of carbohydrates and fats. This fuel is obtained…

2021/2022 AGM & Awards Evening

Macclesfield Harriers & Athletics Club Agenda for AGM Meeting followed by presentations Friday 1st April 2022 (7.00pm PROMPT – please arrive a few minutes early so the proceedings can start on time) Chaired by Bob Lynch Venue: Macclesfield Rugby Club 7pm – followed by food and presentations Please fill in…

Club Special Awards Nominations – 2021

The club AGM and Awards will be on Friday 1st April. The ‘Special Awards’ nomination form is now available (until Monday 28th February). There are are a number of ‘Special Awards’ – you will need to fill in the form for each nomination. 2021 Special Awards Nomination form (click here)

Meet the Member – Alison Hartopp

Introducing Macclesfield Harrier, Alison Hartopp.  Alison is one of our fantastic club coaches, who gives up her time to support athletes of all ages from U15 upwards. Alison has also recently achieved her Level 4 Starters qualification. In between coaching and officiating, Alison still manages to run competitively. She is  a…

Update on Club activities – Spring 2022

Now that we are continuing to live our lives alongside the Covid virus, I thought it was appropriate to write an update based on the lessons we have learned over the last 2 years. Whether you are training or competing, stay safe, be vigilant, stay healthy, and only come to…

Nutrition for Performance – Issue 1

Nutrition for performance Welcome to the first sports nutrition post for Macclesfield Harriers! I am a registered Sports Dietitian and I will be translating the current science on nutrition for athlete health, training and performance into practical and achievable dietary strategies that you can try for yourself. If you are…

Membership Renewal 2022/2023

Club membership fees for 2022/2023 will be due on 1st April, but you can renew any time from now and your membership will be valid until 31/03/2023 We have had to increase the membership fees this year. The fee has three elements: – Basic membership (non-competing members): £16 – EA/Northern…

Meet the Member – Mandy Calvert

Introducing Macclesfield Harrier & Superhero, Mandy Calvert. Mandy’s running CV is nothing short of spectacular. Mandy is no stranger to long distance events. She has completed the legendary Dragons Back and the UTMB races. She attained 1st place V50 at UTMB in 2014. Both races feature on the bucket list…