
Road Running Awards from 2019

It seems so long ago now, but 2019 was the last year we had a club Road Running competition. Awards for this competition were supposed to be given out at an awards event in April 2020, but we all know what was happening then that prevented this happening. Now that…

COVID-19 – Club Guidance for training post July 19th

Please can I urge you to continue to exercise caution while taking part in club activities and training from the 19th July. My best advice is to carry on training in the same manner as now. Small groups (max 12) pre-booked through a group leader operating from locations that minimises…
Ewan Edmondson - 1st Harrier (image from Mick Hall)

2021 Wilmslow 10k

It is great to see races starting up again.  38 Harriers ran the 2021 event in very warm conditions – some great times posted. The feedback was very positive about all the sensible arrangements made by the organisers. Results from the harriers who ran are shown in the table below.…

Meet the Member – Tim Marsh

If you’ve ever been to Macclesfield parkrun, Macclesfield Harrier Tim Marsh, will need no introduction. Tim is fundamental to the delivery of parkrun. You will have spotted him carrying out many roles; Run Director, marshaling, handing out finish tokens etc. When he’s not volunteering Tim also runs regularly. Over to…
Socially Distanced Group Run

Group Training Runs – guidance from 17th May

Here is the guidance for club group runs and training from Monday 17th May 2021. – As we enter stage three of the easing of restrictions please continue to exercise caution. – Please limit group activities which take place out in the open on public roads, paths etc to one…

The return to road racing

Over the past few weeks Road Races have been slowly returning and some Macc Harriers have been racing again. As more and more races are put on over the next weeks and months it will be great to see more Macc Harriers participating again. Below is a summary of the…

Club London Marathon Places – 2021 and 2022

We have been notified by the London Marathon that as our three runners from the cancelled 2020 event have now deferred to the 2021 event we will not be getting any other places for 2021. Our next allocation is 3 places for the 2022 event. When we are able to…

Meet the Member – Andy Haigh

Introducing Macclesfield Harrier, Andy Haigh. Andy recently topped the leader board on the Macclesfield Harrier Trail Series, completing all 28 runs well in advance of the allocated 28 days. I met Andy on a run following his success and he kindly agreed to set aside some time to share with…

Guidance and Rules regarding return to training from Monday 29th March 2021

Group training MUST only restart by implementing the same strict club rules and guidelines that were in place when we last trained before Christmas. There must be NO deviations from this if we are to stay COVID safe and to avoid criticism from the public. This means training in groups…

Meet the Member – Andy Skelhorn

Introducing  Macclesfield Harrier, Andy Skelhorn. In addition to knowing some great routes, Andy is also a wealth of local knowledge. ‘Skelhorn Tours’ -Andy, ably assisted by his 4-legged companion Ziggy – can often be found out on the fells, combining running with educating Macclesfield Harriers on local points of interest.…