2021 Mixed Ability Track Relay – CLUB MEMBERS ONLY

Macclesfield Athletics Track Priory Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire

You are invited to take part in a mixed ability relay at the track during our normal training session on Tuesday 28th September. It will be run along the same...

Cheshire Cross Country Championship

The county XC champs are open for all registered athletes from U11 upwards. Entries close 1st January 2022 This year's event is a new venue at the The Farm Club,...

National Cross Country Championships

The big event of the year, held at Parliament Hill - London. Full race details are available here. https://www.race-results.co.uk/onlineentries/uploads/infonatxc22.pdf Race entries are below https://www.race-results.co.uk/results/2022/cheshirexc22e.php