Wilmslow 10k

Lorum Ipsum Alannah at Wincle Trout June 2019

2021 Mixed Ability Track Relay – CLUB MEMBERS ONLY

Macclesfield Athletics Track Priory Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire

You are invited to take part in a mixed ability relay at the track during our normal training session on Tuesday 28th September. It will be run along the same...

MDOC Night Street League (Street-O)

This is the second in the annual Night Street League Series organised by MDOC. The Weaver pub, 11 Thornton Square, Macclesfield SK11 7XZ

Stockport 10M

Sunday 12 December? Date to be confirmed.

Bolly Street-O 2021

The Vale Inn, Adlington Road, Bollington, Cheshire, United Kingdom

The annual 'Bolly-Street-O' organised  by Andy Skelhorn is on again for 2021. Please go to the Fell or Trail section Facebook pages and mark yourself as 'Going' so Andy has...


Cheshire Cross Country Championship

The county XC champs are open for all registered athletes from U11 upwards. Entries close 1st January 2022 This year's event is a new venue at the The Farm Club,...