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Meet the Member – Bob Lynch

We recently caught up with a Macclesfield Harrier legend. Someone who influences, motivates and encourages us as a club and also as individuals . . . unfortunately Pauline wasn’t available, so Bob stepped in instead! 😉 This is what Club President Bob Lynch had to say; Q1: When did you…

Forest 5 Race Report and Results 2019

Thanks to Emma and the team for another successful jaunt round the forest, maybe not quite as damp as last year but not too sunny either! Thanks everyone for coming and supporting us and our good cause: we’ll tell you how much we raised ASAP. Thanks also to the Macc…

Track & Field Post

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Meet the Member – Rob Hasler

Introducing our Men & Juniors Cross-Country Manager, Rob Hasler – or as we think him 1/4 of #thehaslershow Q1: When did you start running? Rob: Back in 2011 a friend asked whether I’d like to run the Manchester 10K. I bought a copy of Runners World, downloaded a training plan…

Meet the Member – Dennis Kentrop

Introducing Dennis Kentrop, our new Men’s Fell Captain. If you’ve ever ventured out with the Macclesfield Harriers fell group, you will have spotted Dennis– he’s the one with the infectious smile. We caught up with Dennis to find out, what makes a man from Amsterdam, where it is notoriously as…

Meet the Member – Alannah Birtwistle

Introducing Macclesfield Harrier, Alannah Birtwistle. Alannah swept the board at the Macclesfield Harriers awards night in March and has recently been appointed MH Women’s Fell Captain! This is what Alannah had to say; Q1: When did you start running? Alannah: I started running in 2015 with the occasional park run…

Meet the Member – Julian Brown

A question all Macclesfield Harriers have been asked from time to time . . . ‘You’re a Macclesfield Harrier, you must know Julian Brown?’ Here’s a few things you may not have known about Julian; Q1: When did you start running? Julian: I’ve always enjoyed long distance walking and started…

Meet the Member – David Jackson

Macclesfield Harriers is a fantastic club with amazing members (we aren’t biased – this is a fact ). One such member is our very own ‘Sir’ David Jackson. A legend in his own lifetime. We asked Dave to share some of his running wisdom with us and this is what…

Manchester Area XC Final Event

The final MACCL race was held today at Kentworthy Woods, there were some great performances across the age ranges with some quality racing. Congratulations to Sian Heslop for winning the U17s race and a sprint finish 2nd place for Phillip Goodfellow in the U13B race, Rachel Hall was 4th overall…

Welcome to Macclesfield Harriers

Macclesfield Harriers and Athletic Club welcomes runners and athletes of all abilities aged 9 years and over, from complete beginners to those competing at a national level. Club members participate in road running, track & field, cross country and fell running. In addition to track training twice a week, we…