Posts by Neil Gunn

Club Awards — Cross Discipline Challenge

As coronavirus prevented us from celebrating our running achievements last year, and it now does not look like we will be getting together any time soon, the Club has decided to start distributing awards and documenting our award winners from last year. So over the next few weeks we will…

RunMaccFest 2020 Charity Challenge – Last Chance to donate

Congratulations and a massive Thank You to Macclesfield Harriers and everyone who has taken part in the 2020 RunMaccFest Charity Challenge, you are all awesome! We smashed the 15,000km target!          We have raised an amazing £12,000! We are closing the challenge on 1st October 2020. Last chance to donate! All money…

Mark Burley – Bob Graham Round

Congratulations to Mark who completed a Bob Graham Round last Sat 1st August, one of the speediest rounds by a club member. Just rewards we think, for a couple of years’ dedicated training (not to mention taking part in just about every race going !) since he moved ‘uup north’. Mark’s generously…

Run Macc Fest Charity Challenge

RunMaccFest 2020 had set a £15,000 charity fundraising target and we fully intend to stick to that!! We have decided to host a charity challenge, challenging the people of Macclesfield and beyond to run 15,000 Kms for £15,000. (15,000 is approximately the total Km’s run by last year’s runners). We are…

All Club activity suspended (Covid-19)

Important Announcement Following on from the Prime Ministers Statement on Monday 16th March 2020 and the rapidly escalating situation around Covid-19, we have taken the unusual step in suspending all club activities for the foreseeable future. This includes Track Sessions, Coaching Sessions, Road Running Groups and the Wednesday and Sunday Fell sessions. If you…

Coaching Clinic #1, 14 March 2020

The sun made a welcome appearance at the first coaching clinic of the season and more than 20 athletes and 7 coaches had a successful morning focusing on the technical aspects of Track and Field.  The events on offer included Pole Vault, Javelin, Discus, Hammer, Sprints and Hurdles. The extended…

Club Cross Country Championship Positions

The season is now complete! We had an excellent turn out across all age groups this year with a total of 128 runners taking part.  Thirty runners in total completed the club championship criteria. Cross country is a tough discipline that builds strong runners and teams through the bitter winter…

Indoor Sportshall Regional (North West) Finals

At the regional North West finals today between Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Lancashire, eight of our athletes were competing for Cheshire. Strong performances from all. Anne Farmer

Northern Athletics Indoor T&F Champs Results

At the Northern Athletics Indoor T&F Champs yesterday, U15s Thomas Danson, Rebecca Dilworth and Callum Wain represented the club. Callum Wain: Bronze at Northern Athletics Indoor T&F Champs Thomas Danson at Northern Athletics Indoor T&F Champs Callum won a bronze medal for his long jump, with Thomas in 4th. Callum…

Fell Champs Update

Please note that there have been a few changes to the Club champs that we posted in December due to the original FRA dates being incorrect: 1.     Kett Killer has changed dates and is now Wednesday 29th April (Summer Series) 2.      Wincle Trout replaces Shrigley Stag as…