Weekly Training Times

All the club training sessions are led by EA qualified coaches and group leaders under EA guidelines.
Scroll down to see the days/times for training session details for each section of the club.

Senior Road Running

Select each ‘tab’ below to see the details about locations, pace, distance & contacts.

This group meets every Monday and Wednesday at 6.30pm and also on a Saturday at 9am. We run for 4-6 miles at 10min/mile – 12 min/mile. This is a wide spectrum of pace and therefore we operate a “loop back” to ensure that no one gets left behind. We have 2 qualified leaders on each run which allows us to give extra support to new members when needed.

We meet at various locations in & around Macclesfield. In the wintertime we keep to road running for our evening runs. Our Saturday runs (& evening runs in the summer) are mostly off road on local trail paths.

If you are not yet a member of Macclesfield Harriers but would like to come and run for a few sessions prior to deciding whether to join, please contact us on TRY A RUN.  You will the be given the contact details of one of our leaders. This will ensure you receive the correct information on our meeting points, start times, leader details.

This group runs each Monday and Thursday evening at 6.30pm, from the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre (except for Summer Mondays when we meet at the top car park at Tegg’s Nose).  The group aim is to take people from the B Group and develop them as far as possible.

This group will run for between 60 and 90 minutes at paces from 6 -7:30 min/mile – runs in Summer months will aim to use trails were possible and so the pace may be slower to allow for the demands of the terrain. The group will aim to maintain a relatively constant pace throughout with minimal stopping (as much as terrain allows). Group members will be encouraged to take part and represent the club in races

If you are not a member of Macclesfield Harriers but would like to come and run with us for a few sessions prior to deciding to join, please call/email one of the contacts below or email tryarun@macclesfield-harriers.co.uk  – this will ensure you receive the correct information on our meeting point, start times, leader details.

Note: Groups A, B and C operate at the same times and locations as each other to facilitate movement between groups

Meeting Time

Monday Nights | Oct – Mar | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Monday Nights | Apr – Sept | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at Tegg’s Nose top car park

Thursday Nights | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Note: Groups A, B and C operate in parallel to each other

Distance & Pace

7-9 miles
Pace: Sub 7:30 min/mile

This group runs each Monday and Thursday evening at 6.30pm, from the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre (except for Summer Mondays when we meet at the top car park at Tegg’s Nose).  The group aim is to take people from the C Group and develop them as far as possible.

This group will run 7-9 miles at paces from 7- 8 min/mile with ‘loop-back’ and reps – runs in Summer months will aim to use trails were possible and so the pace may be slower to allow for the demands of the terrain. Group members will be encouraged to take part and represent the club in races

If you are not a member of Macclesfield Harriers but would like to come and run with us for a few sessions prior to deciding to join, please call/email one of the contacts below or email tryarun@macclesfield-harriers.co.uk  – this will ensure you receive the correct information on our meeting point, start times, leader details.

Note: Groups A, B and C operate at the same times and locations as each other to facilitate movement between groups

Group Contacts

Contact B Group Leaders

Meeting Time

Monday Nights | Oct – Mar | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Monday Nights | Apr – Sept | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at Tegg’s Nose top car park

Thursday Nights | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Note: Groups A, B and C operate in parallel to each other

Distance & Pace

7-9 miles
Pace: 7:00 – 8:00 min/mile

This group runs each Monday and Thursday evening at 6.30pm, from the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre (except for Summer Mondays when we meet at the top car park at Tegg’s Nose).  The group aim is to take people from the D group and develop them ready for the next level.  This group is also a good starting point for people with previous running experience or are looking to run with a group.

This group will run 5-7 miles at paces from 8-9 min/mile with ‘loop-back’ to keep the group together – runs in Summer months will aim to use trails were possible and so the pace may be slower to allow for the demands of the terrain. Group members will be encouraged to take part and represent the club in races

If you are not a member of Macclesfield Harriers but would like to come and run with us for a few sessions prior to deciding to join, please call/email one of the contacts below or email tryarun@macclesfield-harriers.co.uk  – this will ensure you receive the correct information on our meeting point, start times, leader details.

Note: Groups A, B and C operate at the same times and locations as each other to facilitate movement between groups


Group Contacts

Contact C Group Leaders

Meeting Time

Monday Nights | Oct – Mar | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Monday Nights | Apr – Sept | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at Tegg’s Nose top car park

Thursday Night | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Note: Groups A, B and C operate in parallel to each other

Distance & Pace

5-7 miles
Pace: 8:00 – 9:00 min/mile

This group meets every Wednesday and Friday evening at 6.30pm and run for 4 to 6 miles at 8 min/mile – 10.30 min/mile. This is a wide spectrum of pace and therefore, we operate a ‘loop back’, to ensure no-one gets left behind. Our meeting point is typically the overflow car park of Macclesfield Leisure Centre. In wintertime, we keep to road running and in the lighter evenings we use routes that are a mix of road and trail. All leaders are qualified via England Athletics.

If you are not a member of Macclesfield Harriers but would like to come and run with us for a few sessions prior to deciding to join, please email us on tryarun@macclesfield-harriers.co.uk  – this will ensure you receive the correct information on our meeting point, start times, leader details and also registers you onto the run.

If you are a paid member of Macclesfield Harriers, please see the information for each run on the ABCD (closed) Facebook page.

Group Contacts

Contact D Group Leaders

Meeting Time

Wednesday Night | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Friday Night | 6.30pm – 8.00pm | Meet at the overflow car park behind the Leisure Centre

Distance & Pace

4-6 miles
Pace: 8:00 – 10:30 min/mile

Group Contacts

✉ E Group Leader

Meeting Time

Monday 6.30pm (Various locations)

Wednesday 6.30pm (Various locations)

Saturday 9.00am (Various locations)

Distance & Pace

Monday & Saturday | 4-6 miles | Mainly off-road – developing group

Wednesday | 4 – 5 miles | Local paths and roads

Fell Running

Meet on Wednesday nights at various venues 7pm for 1.5-2hrs. All levels usually catered for with Green (a gentle 5-6miles), Blue (6-7miles), Red (8-9miles) and Black (a pacey 9-10miles) groups on the busiest nights, plus varying degrees of climb.  We put on and encourage participation in both local and distant fell races and ultras throughout the year. New joiners always welcome and full details of the runs each week are published in the ‘Closed’ Fell Facebook group.

To arrange a trial run in Green or Blue, contact the Fell Manager
Wondering if you have the confidence/ability to step up to the challenge?  For advice contact Green Leader from our Green team.

Trail Running

Trail runs are organised on a monthly basis (typically 6-9 miles at an inclusive pace). Full details of the runs each month are published in advance in the ‘Closed’ Trail Facebook group. For more information or to arrange a trial run please contact the Trail Leaders If you have any questions about appropriate kit or meeting places please contact any of the trail leaders.

Track & Field

U11s & U13s meet at Macclesfield Athletics Track Pavilion (behind Leisure Centre).
Tuesday & Thursday 6.00 -7.00pm

Contact – email : juniorwaitinglist@macclesfield-harriers.co.uk
Note: Please ensure that the contact email address is in your ‘safe senders’ list

U15s, U17s, U20s and Seniors* for track training meet at Macclesfield Athletics Track Pavilion (behind Leisure Centre)
Tuesday & Thursday 6.30 – 8.00pm

Contacts :
U15s, U17s & U20s
Contact U15, U17 & U17 Rep

Senior Distance Group (*Tuesdays Only)

Contact Senior Distance Coaches