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Meet the Member – Tom Whittington

Introducing Macclesfield Harrier fell runner, Tom Whittington. Prior to lock-down Tom was instrumental in bringing a renewed energy back to the fell group, sourcing leaders and planning run locations. Something we hope will continue when the restrictions are lifted. Tom has successfully completed what is considered one of the most…

Meet the Member – Kim Eastham

Introducing the lady who brings the glamour to Macclesfield Harriers, Kim Eastham. She’s the only person we know, who can finish a tough mountain race  and still look immaculate! As a running group leader Kim is always positive and supportive. She is one of the reasons D group is so…

Meet the Member – Mark Stanbridge

Runners know training for and running a marathon requires determination, grit and a will to keep going. Macclesfield Harrier, Mark Stanbridge’s legs have carried him through 29 marathons and 3 ultra-marathons! Is he crazy? Possibly. Isn’t that a prerequisite to being a Macclesfield Harrier?! Mark has kindly shared with us…

Meet the Member – Trevor Longman

In the hot seat this week is Macclesfield Harrier, Trevor Longman. For many of us novice fell runners, Trevor is one of the reasons we keep going back to the club fell runs. He greets you with a smile, makes sure you’re ok and keeps the banter going. A true…

All Club activity suspended (Covid-19)

Important Announcement Following on from the Prime Ministers Statement on Monday 16th March 2020 and the rapidly escalating situation around Covid-19, we have taken the unusual step in suspending all club activities for the foreseeable future. This includes Track Sessions, Coaching Sessions, Road Running Groups and the Wednesday and Sunday Fell sessions. If you…

Meet the Member – Elsa West

Introducing Macclesfield Harriers newest run group leader, Elsa West. Q1: When did you start running? EW: I started running in Sept 2016 when I signed up on a macc harriers C25K course after my husband encouraged me to enrol for the course. Before this I had done bits of running…

Coaching Clinic #1, 14 March 2020

The sun made a welcome appearance at the first coaching clinic of the season and more than 20 athletes and 7 coaches had a successful morning focusing on the technical aspects of Track and Field.  The events on offer included Pole Vault, Javelin, Discus, Hammer, Sprints and Hurdles. The extended…

Club Cross Country Championship Positions

The season is now complete! We had an excellent turn out across all age groups this year with a total of 128 runners taking part.  Thirty runners in total completed the club championship criteria. Cross country is a tough discipline that builds strong runners and teams through the bitter winter…

Meet the Member – Emma Beveridge

A lot goes into the effective ‘running’ of a running club. At Macclesfield Harriers we are lucky to have an excellent club committee. The committee meets to discuss current and future activities in the club, to organise the work that needs doing behind the scenes and to take decisions about…