Tegg’s Nose fell race

Organised by club members. If you are not racing, consider volunteering (see Steph). Proceeds to charity. Part of the Macclesfield Sheep Dog Trials. BM:  Distance: 12.8km / 8m, Climb: 525m / 1722ft EOD:  £3 plus £5 entry to the trials field Venue: Trials field, Bullocks Lane, Sutton, Macclesfield, SK11 0HE Grid ref: 923716

Eccles Pike (Summer Weekday Series)

AS 5km 305m £6 EOD or £5 Pre-Entry Venue: Navigation Inn, Bugsworth Canal Basin, Buxworth, SK23 7NE. Grid ref: 821023 on Dark Peak map.

South Mynd Tour, Shropshire (High Fell Series)

AL: Distance: 23km / 14.3m, Climb: 1270m / 4167ft Pre-entry fee: £18.00 via SI Entries (will sell out early as this an English Champs race) Venue: Field behind Manor House, Little Stretton, SY6 6RE