Claim a Club Record

When your form is complete please press SUBMIT. The information will be sent to the Club Statistician who will contact you – please be patient.

If you are submitting any images please try to send the highest quality possible otherwise they do not look great on the website. Ideally images are at lease 1mb in size and 1920px x 108px.

Note: Items marked * are required

Full Name *
Fill out this field
email address *
Please enter a valid email address.
Telephone number *
eg 07865 876543
Fill out this field
* Please select
Select an option
Age (years) *
eg 11
Fill out this field
* Select the category (Track/Field/Road) for your record
Select an option
Event Type *
Fill out this field
Result (Time or Distance) *
Examples 1h3m23s for time or 1.85m for height/distance
Fill out this field
Venue or Location *
eg Wilmslow 10 or Northern Champs
Fill out this field
Date of Result *
Select date from calendar
Fill out this field
Link to the results
Any link that verifies the result
Fill out this field
Any other useful information
Fill out this field
Event Image - for news article (optional) - only one image can be added
Please use this link to upload an image associated with the event that you may wish to be considered in a future Club article. (Ideally the image(s) should be 1902x1080px and ~1mb in size). File Types accepted - PDF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG. Only one file can be submitted. If you need to add more please mention this in the text and the club statistician will contact you. Please send the highest quality possible (ideally 1mb or larger and 1920x1080px (landscape).
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