The latest Club Constitution (2015) can be found here – CLUB CONSTITUTION 2015
Other Information (including Policies)
In the event of any accident or incident during a club activity (track session, club run etc) it is very important that the club records what happened so that we can try to prevent it from happening again and also as a record that we did everything we could to help the person(s) injured. It is the responsibility of group leaders, coaches and officials to complete the necessary forms.
There is a ‘paper form’ (link below) or an online form (button on the right).
Club Accident Form (PDF)
For ‘minor’ accidents/incidents it is enough to fill in the club’s own form – this is a simple form that takes a few minutes to complete. Download the PDF file, fill it in and send it to the Club Welfare Officer (see Contact list for details).
For more major accidents/incidents it will be necessary to complete the online (or PDF) for from UK Athletics. Click here for a link to the UK Athletics accident form. If you are unsure about the nature of the accident or incident please contact the club welfare officer to discuss what happened.
The Club is taking the current COVID-19 pandemic very seriously. The welfare of all our members and all the people we come into contact with is paramount.
At each stage as the UK Government guidelines and the EA Guidelines Change the club will follow these.
All our training sessions and group runs are carried out using the latest advice from the UK Government & England Athletics.
- We keep our groups small (maximum 12)
- Members do not attend training if they have symptoms, or a positive test, have been in contact with anybody with symptoms or have travelled abroad
- Members fill in a Health Questionnaire and provide contact details – these can be used to assist the ‘Track and Trace’ processes operated by Public Health England.
- Leaders keep a record of who attended each run (in case of follow up)
- Group runs are held in areas that avoid close contact with the public
- Members maintain social distance during group runs and training
- Members do not share equipment of water/food
- Care sharing is minimised
- Members carry masks and hand sanitiser
In the event of a member having symptoms or testing positive the club will do its best to alert the other participants and they are expected to follow the recommended UK Government Guidance.
Note: This advice is updated as the situation changes